Why Gane Fuel?
Because the world needs clean liquid fuels.
And it needs them today.

(Di-Methyl Ether) Methanol Water Additive Mixture
Made from natural gas or renewables, or a blend of both
What is Gane Fuel?
Gane Fuel is arguably one of the “simplest” liquid fuels for use in large compression ignition engines.
It is made from methanol (CH3OH) and water and a small amount of di-methyl ether (CH3OCH3). These components are available, or can be easily made, around the world. Small quantities of additives are used for lubricity and other properties required for combustion engine fuels.
Gane Fuel is simple because it is has no carbon-carbon bonds – so it does not produce soot or Particulate Matter in the way that the typical long-chain hydrocarbon fuels like diesel or Heavy Fuel Oil do when burned in a compression ignition engine.
Furthermore, Gane Fuel has negligible levels of sulphur.
The water in the fuel provides several key benefits – the main one being to significantly lower the exhaust emissions of NOx (nitrogen oxides) as compared to diesel.
Gane Fuel - for a better future
- Cleaner Exhaust
- Pathway to carbon neutrality
- A liquid fuel
- For use in existing engines
- Cost competitive
Cleaner Exhaust
Measuring the emissions before exhaust treatment, ie. on an engine-out basis, Gane Fuel can deliver NOx and Particulate Matter reductions of greater than 80%. Gane Fuel does not contain significant quantities of sulphur, so any SOx in the exhaust comes only from the engine oil.
On a tank-to-wheel (or wake) basis, Gane Fuel emits up to 10% less CO2 compared to diesel. And when Gane Fuel is made from renewable sources, the well-to-wheel emissions are net-zero, since the carbon emitted at the point of use is matched by the carbon absorbed from the atmosphere in making the fuel.
The cleaner engine-out exhaust emissions from Gane Fuel mean that it may be possible to meet regulatory emissions targets for tail-pipe emissions with much simpler and cheaper exhaust treatment than that required for diesel or Heavy Fuel Oil.
Pathway to carbon neutrality
Gane Fuel can be made at a cost less than the standard price of diesel by making methanol from abundant and geographically spread sources of natural gas (methane). This is the most cost-effective way to produce Gane Fuel.
However, Gane Fuel can also be renewably made using biomass or captured CO2.
When the fuel is made renewably, the use of Gane Fuel results in no net increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. This is what is known as a carbon neutral fuel: the CO2 emitted when Gane Fuel is burned is matched by the CO2 collected and used to make Gane Fuel, making a closed cycle with no net-emissions.
Customers can choose to have Gane Fuel which is blended from fossil and from renewable sources – so they can achieve the CO2 reduction target they are aiming for, at a price which is a blend of cheaper fossil-based sources and more expensive renewable sources. This allows an orderly transition to a fully carbon neutral future at an achievable pace and cost.
A liquid fuel
In 2018, electricity generation accounted for ~20% of final energy consumption worldwide. Liquid fuel – i.e. oil and oil products such as diesel – accounted for double this amount. So while there is excellent progress underway from a sustainability perspective in terms of investment in and development of renewable electricity, such as solar power and wind, this is only tackling part of the problem.
The requirements of industry cannot always be met through renewable power alone. Conversion of this renewable power into fuels which can be easily stored and transported is essential.
Fuels which are a liquid at room temperature can be easily and cost-effectively stored in large quantities. When produced locally, they enhance fuel security. Liquid fuels can be transported efficiently and cheaply over large distances. And they are easily handled – so refuelling for transport applications is straightforward.
Gane Fuel allows customers to meet their liquid fuel needs cleanly and cost-effectively today, with a clear pathway to carbon neutrality.
For use in existing engines
Many heavy duty industrial compression ignition engines can be modified to run on Gane Fuel. The key changes relate to
- Replacement of engine seals
- Fuel delivery system changes to fumigate the inlet air and to accommodate the approximately double flow rate required vs diesel, as Gane Fuel has lower energy density,
- New or modified fuel storage tanks & supply lines
There is no need to change the compression ratio, to add a spark plug, or a glow-plug, or to carry a diesel or fuel oil pilot fuel.
The potential to retro-fit existing compression ignition engines means that customers may be able to achieve the benefits of using Gane Fuel, while continuing to use their existing fleet and engines.
Cost competitive
No one likes to talk about costs – it’s all about benefits right?
Well not quite. For a solution to be broadly adopted, it has to be affordable.
Gane Fuel is predominantly made from methanol.
The technology to make methanol has been progressed over decades and is technically mature. Engineering studies show that Gane Fuel can be made from low-cost sources of natural gas at costs which are less than the standard price of diesel – so there can be a cost-saving when using Gane Fuel made from natural gas.
The cost of renewable Gane Fuel is higher than today’s fossil fuel costs, however the ability to blend in increasing amounts of “Green” Gane Fuel over time means that the cost of achieving carbon neutrality can be phased in gradually as market conditions and regulatory requirements dictate.
Furthermore, the supply chain costs of long distance transportation of a liquid fuel such as methanol are much lower than the costs associated with electricity or hydrogen for example.

Patented benefits
One of the unique things about Gane Fuel is that it is patented in over 50 territories around the world including all the major OECD markets, China, India, the Russian Federation and Singapore.
We recognise that it will require a community of companies who want to accelerate the pace of creating a cleaner future, pulling in the same direction, in order to drive change on a major scale.
We believe that the commercial landscape created by our patent portfolio will help these market leaders to take the steps required to ensure a cleaner world for today and for future generations.
A community approach
We know we can’t do this alone.
We need a community of passionate industry partners and supporters who can join us on this journey to make a better future – today.
If you share our vision, please get in touch.